Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve collated some of the most asked questions about selling your container into a handy, jargon busting FAQ to help answer common search queries.

Simple! Providing you wholly own the shipping container, complete the form and upload the relevant photos including panoramic and internal. Providing it’s suitable for resale we will provide an offer in writing. If you are happy to proceed we require an invoice from you as the owners, we pay, we take away.

We only trade in unconverted standard shipping containers, we do not dispose of end-of-life units, cabins, offices, toilets, etc.

All of the southeast and home counties. Liverpool, Manchester & Birmingham areas.

Value is ascertained from age, general condition, size, location, and market values which sometimes vary drastically.

We arrange collection at a mutually agreed date. Our vehicles have HIABS mounted behind the cab and do not leave hard standing. Your site conditions must be suitable for collection. The area must be fully accessible and the containers not on grass or potentially soft ground. Vehicles are fully FORS and health and safety compliant.

Your site conditions must be suitable for collection as above. The container must be fully emptied and internally clean. We must have access to uplift from the side of the container.

Bacs or credit card payment.

Depending on the time of year and your specific location approx 5/10 working days.

Multi-award-winning professional well-established company – one-stop-shop, you sell, we pay, we collect.